LLM Wizards


LLM Wizards abides to the commitment to public service. Pro-bono work is ingrained in our professional ethos. It is the cornerstone of our culture, a fundamental trait of our commitment to give back to the community within which we live and operate.

We are dedicated to imparting services free-of-cost to those who cannot afford counsel, with a clear objective of enriching lives, building communities and deepening our own personal experience. Our dedication to pro-bono work is a core aspect of our culture.

As an organisation, we have a collective responsibility to the larger community around us. Our pro bono work is diverse and far-reaching. Pro-bono service isn’t just something that we offer, but is an intrinsic part of who we are as an organisation. The happenings of COVID inflicted 2020 made it more obvious vis-à-vis how crucial these efforts are and have directly concretized our determination to leverage our skillset and expertise to extend help.

We staff our pro-bono assignment with the exact same enthusiasm that we employ to fulfil our billable projects and consequently treat our pro-bono work equivalently with client work during appraisals and performance reviews.

We attempt to utilise the skills and time of our people to advance support through the provision of practical help, documentation review, application guidance and financial support, to those who are unable to avail our services.

We actively encourage our associates to get involved wherever possible. We aim to chalk out approximately 25,000 hours for our corporate social responsibilities’ endeavours. In the 2020-2021 application cycle, we put in over 27,500 hours to free consultation to underserved yet highly qualified and deserving individuals, organisations and the non-profit sector.

Afterall, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time – We are going slow but we are going big!!